Saturday, May 8


There was something I was supposed to tell you.... something important...

Oh, yeah. I'm in like Toronto or something right now. I just went to the CN Tower and took a bunch of pics which I'm currently uploading to Yahoo! Photos. So I'll paste the link at the end of this post.

We went out for breakfast at this restaurant called like Charlie's Charbroil or something, but they wouldn't serve me because the health detector said nobody under 18 years old is allowed in the restaurant because there are smoking sections in it. What the hell? In Quebec you're lucky if your food DOESN'T contain more carcinogens than the average ton of asbestos... here they don't serve you because you might sue for getting cancer in their restaurant? Anyway I just waited in the car while the guys I was with ordered for me and that was that.

So here's the link, eh.

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